Visiting us for performances during Coronavirus: a visual guide
What does it look like attending a theatre show in the Globe Theatre in Summer 2021? Our photo story by photographer Pete Le May will guide you through recent changes
We’re back! Thanks to everyone who has visited us in the last week for a performance in the Globe Theatre. It’s fantastic to see you all again.
We know that the changes we are all adapting to can be overwhelming at times – our top priority is that you feel up-to-date and completely comfortable when visiting our site, so we will endeavour to tell you about everything that’s new so you can feel fully prepped for your outing!
What will it be like when you visit the Globe Theatre during Coronavirus for our Summer season this year? What has changed? What do the new systems look like?
To answer these questions, and more, we’ve created a photo guide for you below – these 26 photos by Pete Le May take you on a visual journey of what to expect every step of the way.
This blog was published on 24 May 2021 – as measures are subject to change, please do refer to your emails from us for the most recent guidance.

All photography in this blog by Pete Le May.

Get your devices ready
In advance of your visit, we will send you an email with your specific arrival location and your specific arrival time.
On the morning, we will text you a link to your digital tickets – this picture above shows what your digital tickets look like, they are QR codes and can also be located in your online account on the day of the performance.
Also don’t forget to download the NHS Covid-19 app so you can check-in when you enter the venue.

Your entrance could be on New Globe Walk
There are two locations for arrival and you will be given one or the other. Pictured above is our main entrance on New Globe Walk, postcode SE1 9DT. Arrive at the time given in your email. You may have to queue for a moment.

Inside the main entrance on New Globe Walk
The above photo shows what it will look like when you walk through the doors to our main entrance on New Globe Walk.

From New Globe Walk to the piazza
If you are coming to the entrance on New Globe Walk, the route goes up the stairs pictured, which are inside our main building. Signs and staff will guide you.

Onto the piazza
Once you have walked up the stairs (or lift also available), you will be guided onto the piazza and towards the Globe Theatre, as pictured.

Your entrance could be the Groundling Gates
The above steps apply to those entering our main entrance on New Globe Walk, but many of you will have been directed in your emails to arrive at the Groundling Gates entrance on Bankside, opposite the river. This is what that entrance looks like. It is just around the corner from the New Globe Walk entrance.

Up the steps at Groundling Gates
If you are coming to the entrance on Bankside, the route goes up the stairs and through the gates themselves, onto the piazza, as shown. Signs and staff will guide you.

You will pass our Pop-Up Bar and Shop
Once you walk onto the piazza, from either entrance, you’ll notice our collection point for the drinks and snacks you pre-ordered in your online account prior to arrival.

Collect your items!
Speak to a member of staff, grab your drinks and snacks and you’re good to go. Be sure to get those pre-orders in ahead of time, before 6.00pm.

Take your drinks into the Globe Theatre
Anything you pre-order can be taken into the theatre with you. Enjoy!

Look out for your door number
The email we send you that tells you which entrance to arrive at, will also tell you which door number to look our for when entering the Globe Theatre itself. This is what the doors to the Globe Theatre look like. A member of staff will show you where to go.

You’re now inside the Globe Theatre!
Once through your door, this is what it will look like – more members of staff will welcome you and say hello.

There are hand sanitising stations
You will notice little stations with hand sanitiser dotted around our site for you to use, they all look like the one in this photo. Toilets are also open and available to use any time, if you prefer to use soap and water.

Tell our staff where you are sitting
Once through the doors of the Globe Theatre, if you are unsure where to go, our staff are here to help you.

They will direct you to your seats
You will either be sat in the yard (the large, open space on the ground floor), or you will be sat in the higher-level galleries (the benches located on levels looking onto the yard).

Yard seating is spaced
Your yard seats will be close to other people in your booking (your bubble) but will have a distance between other visitors (other bubbles). There are numbers on the back of the chairs so you can locate your seat, as you can see in this picture.
Don’t forget your coats – the Globe Theatre is open-air and those in the yard especially will need to wrap up.

Gallery seating works the same way
Similarly with the benches on our gallery levels, you will only be sat close to others in your booking.

Don’t forget your face coverings
Those over the age of 11 we suggest wearing a face covering for the duration of their visit to us, unless they are exempt or whilst eating and drinking.

Use the toilets any time you like
There is no interval and instead we have an open door policy throughout the performance – you don’t need to stay seated for the performance and instead can pop in and out to use the toilet whenever you like. This reduces the likelihood of interval crowds and creates a more Covid-safe (and more relaxed) environment for you.
This is what the doors look like from the inside, as you leave the Globe Theatre. Toilets will be signposted and, as always, there will be staff to guide you anyway.

We are here for you
We’ve already said but we will say it again for good measure – our staff are here to help, support and guide you during your visit. We want you to feel safe and comfortable so please don’t hesitate to ask us for anything.

Identifying Shakespeare’s Globe staff
All of our staff will wear face coverings and/or see-through visors, unless exempt.
You can spot us as we all wear staff lanyards around our necks – these might say ‘Staff’ or ‘Volunteer’. Some staff inside may not wear a high-vis jacket but our Visitor Experience team in the Globe Theatre will, as you can see throughout the photos in this blog.
Also, our Security team can be spotted by the word ‘Security’ on their uniforms.

Last – but by no means least – enjoy the performance!
Book now for Summer 2021 or Book now for Winter 2021/22 at Shakespeare’s Globe and familiarise yourself with our Covid measures before you visit.